In order to learn about the needs in different regions of the world, we conduct research projects to collect data on girls/young women in STEM studies.

We conducted studies in the DRC and in Brazil. Read more below...

Research In the Congo by Joyce Lualaba


"La situation des jeunes filles dans les sciences et les mathématiques En République Démocratique du Congo" - Joyce Lualaba, September 2012

​Joyce's research was presented before a panel of professionals coming from different backgrounds. They gave their comments and suggestions, stating that they found it useful and interesting to undertake such a study. They were mostly interested in constraints facing by girls to go to STEM. Their comments were also focused on extending the study to all the capital of Kinshasa and to visit out of reach schools and zones and why not all the country.  We also heard that given the situation of our country here mainly in the education sector, (1) we could not only look for girls in STEM but as well boys, (2) More than STEM the most important thing to invest in the country was simply EDUCATION at all levels.

​Research and Extension projects in Brazil by Kelly Torres


“Sistemas Estelares Múltiplos: Laboratórios para estudos de evolução, estrutura e formação estelar” (Summary in Portuguese)

 “Multiple Stellar Systems: Laboratories for the study of star evolution, structure and formation”

Kelly’s research project in the field of Astrophysics aims to investigate the stages of star life through the study of the physics and chemistry of stars. Throughout their lives, the mass and chemical composition of stars change, in a process in which enriched gases contribute to the formation of new stars. The study of this system is important for the improvement of the knowledge about star structure, formation and evolution.

“Divulgação de Astronomia: Viagem ao céu pelo olhar da Ciência” (Summary in Portuguese)

“Promotion of Astronomy: A Trip to the Sky through the Eyes of Science”

What about exploring the Universe through the eyes of Science? We want to take you on this trip by using the knowledge from fields such as Astronomy, Astrophysics, Astrobiology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Engineering, among others, and, of course, by looking at the sky. This project consists in creating a new place for lectures, documentary exhibitions and sky observation, inside the campus of the Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei, in Ouro Branco, Brazil.

European Commission, Joint Research Centre Presentation on its contribution to g4g@ESMOl 2012.